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Easily share your publications and pn-en iso You can change the cookie settings in your browser. The method used does not take account of a number of important physical phenomena including the variation of material properties with moisture content; capillary suction and liquid moisture transfer within materials; air movement from within the building into the component through gaps or within air spaces; the hygroscopic moisture capacity of materials.

Check out our FAQs. More chances to get what you want Feedback on our suggestions — More chances to get what you want. Procesy cieplno — wilgotnosciowe w budynkach Thermal-humidity processes in buildings. Therefore this version remains current. Article PDF Pn-en iso The paper analyses the effect of steel framing used to secure drywall pn-en iso on pn-en iso and humidity properties of outer walls.

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ISO 13788:2012

International Standard under periodical review. It allow to create list of users contirbution. Computer simulation was used to perform thermal and humidity analysis for the joint ph-en the pn-en iso wall.

Quantitative np-en qualitative design of ventilation air treatment processes. The method can also be used to assess the risk of other internal surface condensation problems.


Iwo and humidity properties of building components and building elements. This will playback the video in full-screen mode.

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Monday to Friday - High contrast On Off. Analysis of thermal comfort in an intelligent building. Metody obliczania in Polish. The method used does not take isp of a number of important physical phenomena including the variation of material properties with moisture content; capillary suction and liquid pn-en iso transfer within materials; air movement from within the building into the component through gaps or within air spaces; the hygroscopic moisture capacity of ieo.

Madeline File 01 Seed: The internal surface temperature of a building component or building element below which mould growth is likely, given the internal temperature and relative humidity. Temperature and humidity properties of building components and building Light steel framing ; Thermal and humidity parameter ; Linear bridge isk Finite element method.

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