воскресенье, 23 февраля 2020 г.


They are sick of being cursed or laughed at when they offer assistance with integration. The investigating prosecutor filed an informal appeal against Sarrazin, but in December the Berlin district court rejected a trial because the prosecution was seen as ineffective. The SPD wanted to expel him from the party, too. His paternal ancestors were French Huguenots who originated in Burgundy , while his grandmother was English and another ancestor was Italian. Kelek said Sarrazin addressed "bitter truths" in his new book and the chattering classes have judged it without reading it. thilo sarrazin der neue tugendterror

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More than this though, they demanded that action be taken against him for his opinion. He is tgendterror as an explicit supporter of orienting the Deutsche Bahn on the principles of efficiency under a cost-effectiveness analysis.

He became well known worldwide after publishing a controversial book about Muslim immigrants in Germany in Even after the end of the socialist-liberal coalition in OctoberSarrazin remained in the Finance Ministry, where he was director of several units, including from to the "Innerdeutsche Beziehungen," which prepared the German monetary, economic and social union.

Thilo Sarrazin – Audio Books, Best Sellers, Author Bio |

From tohe studied economics at the University of Bonnearning his doctorate. According to the office of the prosecutor, he favored the Berlin-Wannsee Golf and Country Clubleasing a golf course to them at a reduced rate.

Product details Hardcover Publisher: The sardazin accusation that he had damaged the party with his theories could not be upheld, in particular because Sarrazin read a statement in which he said he had never intended to depart from social democratic values and that he had never intended to suggest that social-Darwinist theories should be implemented in political practice.

In it he described many Arab and Turkish immigrants as unwilling to integrate.

The idea that everyone should be equal, that individuality in personality and learning capability should be stamped out, that the highly intelligent should work through exactly the same educational system and curriculum as those with an IQ belong average in the same classroom, that the higher educational certificates should be made easier for those with learning difficulties, is doomed to failure. His paternal ancestors were French Huguenots who originated in Burgundywhile his grandmother was English and another ancestor was Italian.

And then you read his answers to these movements, and come to see how ridiculous many of them are; how equality in education is an impossibility; how dumbing-down the capabilities of those who can work logically, intelligently and learn quicker to give those of lesser abilities a good chance of a higher education, a better job in later life through better school certificates and diplomas, is causing a real brain-drain.

Sarrazin's book came under criticism for claiming that Germany's immigrant Muslim population is reluctant to integrate and tends to rely more on social services than to be productive.

thilo sarrazin der neue tugendterror

Thilo Sarrazin's latest book is an eye-opener for those who wish to see through the propaganda - and clearly not aimed at either the press or incumbent politicians - and see in which direction tgendterror country is going. A name which appears in the press is often quickly forgotten, unless there are scandalous reasons for remembering it: In he said of unemployed persons' management of energy: Not, you should note, for the facts and figures he relates in his book Deutschland schafft sich ab Germany Destroys Itselfbut for his personal opinion and, above all, for being Thilo Sarrazin, for having a personal opinion.

In Sarrazin began working in the Federal Ministry of Finance.

Thilo Sarrazin Der Neue Tugendterror

Sarrazin sued, but the case was dismissed by the Federal Court. The investigating prosecutor filed an informal appeal deer Sarrazin, but in December the Berlin district court rejected a trial because the prosecution was seen as ineffective.

This holds true for 70 percent of the Turkish and 90 percent of the Arab population in Berlin.

thilo sarrazin der neue tugendterror

Manufacturer warranty may not apply Learn more about Amazon Global Store. Alle Juden teilen ein bestimmtes Gen, Basken haben bestimmte Gene, die sie von anderen unterscheiden.

By the end of the year, the book had become Germany's number 1 hard-cover non-fiction bestseller for the year and was still at the top of the lists.

Thilo Sarrazin: The New Virtue Terror. DVA Verlag (Hardcover, Germany)

See all 5 customer reviews. Thilo Sarrazin hat keine Angst die Wahrheit zu sagen. Shopbop Designer Fashion Brands. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Der neue Tugendterror

He said, among other things:. He adhered to financial policy based on strict savings and a single-entry bookkeeping system for the management of local tugejdterror. However, on 9 September Dr. Please try again later.

thilo sarrazin der neue tugendterror

English Choose a language for shopping. Das Buch ist eine Abrechnung von Thilo Sarrazin mit dem Etablisment das Ihn nach tugendterrot ersten Buch sein altes Leben genommen hat aber somit die Freiheit gegeben hat sich noch direkter den Problemen unserer heutigen Gesellschaft zu stellen. Sarrazin has asked the President to relieve him of his duties as board member.

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