четверг, 27 февраля 2020 г.


This has certainly been the case of the latest offering Little Egg and 's Pondlife Fiasco. Over 30 tracks were written and recorded, but eventually this was shortlisted to the 12 tracks which now form Little Egg, Heifervescent's 7th album. The music has often been classed as beautiful yet sullen soundscapes, laying strong simple melodies and chiming guitars onto a bed of ambient string and hypnotic electronic arrangements. Billy Comes Home Heifervescent. In , Andy also revisited lots of Monkeyland tracks that had previously never got past the demo stage. Artist Albums Singles Similar artists Comments. heifervescent

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This has certainly been the case of the latest offering Little Egg and 's Pondlife Fiasco. The music has often been classed as beautiful yet sullen soundscapes, laying strong simple melodies and chiming guitars onto a bed of ambient string and hypnotic electronic arrangements.


Retrieved from " https: Privacy policy About Creative Commons Disclaimers. When the Stars Fall from Grace Heifervescent.

This wiki is licensed to the public under a Creative Commons Attribution 4. Shimmering indie guitar pop with orchestral moments. As the decade came to a close, so did the band. Heifervescent is essentially the solo project of Andy Doran, writing, performing and producing each track. Immediately after this Andy started working on a new album.

Deep Sea Diver Heifervescent.


Artist Albums Singles Similar artists Comments. Goats on Fire Heifervescent. Albums on Jamendo are samplers, containing at least half the album tracks.

Samplers of all Heifervescent albums can be found at http: The most successful and most listened to album came in and was called Pondlife Fiasco.

This page was last edited on 3 Julyat It's Coming Together Heifervescent. The Glue Factory album was put together a few years later from tracks that just didn't fit with any of the previous albums, and so is more of an eclectic mix.


Heifervescent is essentially the solo project of Andy Doran, writing, performing and producing each track. The difficult third album came in called Murder in the Garden which had more of a hard edge than previous albums. After 's Logic Decimator, Andy was reunited with Monkeyland who have come back together to record a number of tracks, which you can find on the Monkeyland Website and on all major hekfervescent platforms.

In a solo venture began under the name of Heifervescent, and the debut album Hoofed and Dangerous was produced, with Monkeyland bass player, Neil Wignall adding some deep tones.

Heifervescent - Excuses for the Common Man and other albums

The album received an enormous amount of plays with the growth of internet radio stations and music sites. If the Beatles had been born in Russia! All the tracks on this album were recorded at least 5 years before, but had never made it past the mastering mix. Content Directory Sound Directories. Pretty pop that sounds like jewel-tone colors Sun Palace: Heifsrvescent a few other short lived collaborations, Andy started building up a collection of solo material under the Heifervescent label, the first of which was Hoofed and Dangerousa melodic indie pop album.

An instrumental version of Pondlife geifervescent also produced, many tracks being used for commercial use in advertising and film. As the decade came to a close, so did the band. The album was one of the most listened to Creative Commons albums and continues to get many plays and downloads.

Between andAndy spent much time writing for advertising, animation and experimental work, then in heifefvescent The Glue Factory.

Heifervescent is the never ending, ongoing, infinite, perpetual, and all those other words that mean 'a seemingly long time', music project of Andy Doran. One Way Out Heifervescent.

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