суббота, 29 февраля 2020 г.


Since form Ga is no longer in use, the biographical information that was required to be collected through Ga is now collected with the help of the following forms:. If the petitioner would like to classify their spouse as a K-3 nonimmigrant, they will also need to include:. If the petitioner is an immediate relative of a US citizen or permanent resident, they must include the following documents and evidence with their Green Card application: Form Ga is no longer in use. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. It goes without saying that getting a green card can be a bit complicated — particularly when you are doing uscis g-325a

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Form Ga was discontinued in early and is now replaced with other forms. Useful tips delivered to your inbox. Are you not sure what this form means and if you should file it?

USCIS Form G-325A, Biographic Information

Form GA was used to collect biographic information from foreign national petitioners. If the petitioner is an immediate relative of a US citizen or permanent resident, they must include the following documents and evidence with their Green Card application:. As previously mentioned, this form is replaced by three other forms—IF, I, and I—which serve the same purpose.

Following is a detailed checklist of supplementary documentation that should be included with each of these application packets.

Form I is the primary Green Card application for immigrants who are already in the United States with valid immigrant or nonimmigrant status. Center Street, Mesa, AZ In conjunction with filing Form I, the US citizen or permanent resident petitioner must also include the following: Petitioners who fit within this category will need to include all of the documents and evidence that were previously discussed for family members, as well as the following supplementary items: Although form Ga was previously required when filing form I on behalf of a spouse, it is no longer needed after the USCIS discontinued its use in early Consequently, Form G was discontinued, and Form GA is only used in deferred action cases that originated before Form I is yet another replacement to form Ga.

In addition to filing Form IF, the US citizen will need to include the following documents and evidence with their petition: An Overview It goes without saying that getting a green card can be a bit complicated — particularly when you are doing Since earlyform Ga is replaced by form I if you are petitioning for an alien relative.

uscis g-325a

uzcis As the spouse of the applicant, you need to file a petition by submitting form I which provides the supplemental information for a spouse beneficiary. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Do you need to file an immigrant petition and are confused about form Ga?

Since the form only aims to collect basic information, this form is relatively easy to fill out.

uscis g-325a

Here is the catch. If the petitioner would like to classify their spouse as a K-3 nonimmigrant, they will also need to include:. A marriage certificate Evidence that the petitioner filed Form Ucsis on behalf of their spouse What to Include with Form I, Petition for Alien Relative Form I is for US citizens and permanent residents who need to establish their relationship to alien relatives.

What's the Difference Between Forms G and GA?

usciss Like various other immigrant forms, form Ga can be downloaded from here. It was required only in certain cases in the first place, and this form is completely out of use now. Immigrants in this situation sometimes referred to as Family Preference Immigrants must include all of the previously mentioned documents and evidence, and the following: Social Security number, etc.

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Do I need to submit Form GA with the I petition? - CitizenPath

The Complete Guide to Form Ga. Form G was used to collect biographic information from US citizens petitioning for immigration benefits on behalf of a foreign national relative.

Thus, the petitioner who is also a citizen or permanent resident of the U. Therefore, we are here with the answers to some of the questions you usciis have:. This article will answer all of your questions about form Ga. However, it is used just as a supplemental form in special cases, depending on the immigration benefit usdis applying for.

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