воскресенье, 23 февраля 2020 г.


The time now is I keep trying to update my acer a tablet but its saying low internet connection. The base of this script is not my work, i just modified it to be specific to the Acer Iconia Tab A see below.. Normally the data partition when encrypted will not format with CWM Recovery. You may have to register before you can post: acer a200 superwipe

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Will this method mess up my encryption?

Tweet this thread Share on Facebook Reddit! The way I used to format a long process would be to flash back to stock then unroot flash stock recovery then. My a will no longer boot after i installed a new boot load via the utility "acer a simpletool V2" I cannot go into fastboot nor do i get any reaction from xcer tablet.

Could be just unlucky timing of some HW issue. Search tags for this page a recoveryacer a clockworkmodacer a recoveryacer fastboot interfaceacer iconia a recoveryacer iconia tab a recoveryacer tablet recoveryclockworkmod aclockworkmod acer aclockworkmod for acer aclockworkmod recovery aclockworkmod recovery acer aclockworkmod recovery acer aclockworkmod recovery for acer aunroot acer a Click on a term to search our site for related topics.

Once flashed is it on the tab all the time for future usage? This will erase all the data partitions on your A Tab!

Acer A SuperWipe (tool to wipe *all the partitions on your tab)

Skipping execution of a20, file not found The band was formed in by They existed as a band for some time before they gave themselves a name, having only chosen the band's name "Incubus" when required to.

In laymans terms, yes. Will wiping require me to. I dont know how to write this although this looks like it was ripped off of mikes superwipe form android revolution I already told him about wuperwipe.

How can Format everything like new? | Acer Iconia A

Originally Posted by RobKort. The time now is Search tags for this page a superwipea superwipeacer a super wipeacer a superwipeacer a superwipe downloadacer a superwipe.

Welcome to the Acer Tablet forum.

Dont think this makes a difference after thinking about it more. Guest Quick Reply no urls or BBcode. Thanks and great work! GravityBox, sperwipe all-in-one Android customization tool using Xposed, has been ported to Android 10 September 30, The partitions seem to be the same. Results 1 to 10 of Originally Posted by iamfake.

acer a200 superwipe

Last edited by supperwipe at With ics the kernel communicates more with the boot loader, which is why certain patches had to be made to both. Bottom line is "moving" Thread Deleted Email Thread.

ALL donations will go to further development - Daddy needs some more Ram.

acer a200 superwipe

Unable to get recovery. I am beside my router so my connection is full.

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If you have ran SimpleRoot than you're good. All times are GMT This is complied using the kernel from SimpleRoot. That's why there are very few sod's anymore.

Last edited by mineownself; at Well the title just about covers it!

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